Yellow Deli - Case Study

In my introductory experience with Figma, I had the chance to revamp a website and I ended up choosing the very popular Yellow Deli restaurant and redesigning their website with a fresh and modern user-friendly approach, emphasizing a more structured layout. My goal lied in crafting an authentic aesthetic that showcased their food and provided essential information about them. I ended up using their color palette to craft a more lively style and incorporated typography that effectively guides users through their interface.


UX Research

Site Map

The Yellow Deli originally started in Chattanooga, TN and has now expanded into many locations serving primarily around college campuses. Since they have so many restaurant locations I wanted to create a new system of organization in order to highlight the menus from these various locations. The Yellow Deli group also has a rich and deep rooted history pertaining to who they are and what it is they do, and this history was something that seemed to be integrated within their menu and culture. Although, one of the problems I did find was that the information was almost overwhelming, which caused me to think of ways to condense it into different sections. By breaking up these sections into bite sized chunks we are able to dive into their beliefs, culture, and history.

Mood Board

With this updated site I looked at some other local restaurants and saw how they had a unique identity to their restaurant and the items they served, so I dived into creating a updated brand style for their site in order to create a modern aesthetic that would be easier to use as time went on. I took elements from original logos, merch, menu, and colors highlighted in their site in order to update the style.


When looking at the original website I saw how much content there was and went in with the approach of creating a bite sized theme. This idea of quicker info was chosen in order to find exactly what you need, from the menu all the way to the about page. I specifically want to highlight customer reviews in order for the quality of the food to be made even more clear.

Original Website


Stories of Resilience


2024 BFA Thesis Identity